To strengthen the regional technical capacities to create a common RE&EE market, UNIDO is supporting ECCAS in the establishment of the Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Central Africa (CEREEAC) as part of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC). Over the past months, a baseline and needs assessment, as well as a project document on the 1st operational phase were developed in close coordination with ECCAS and its Member States.
The overall objective of the meeting is to obtain a consensus of the Ministers in charge of Renewable Energies of each ECCAS Member States on the Renewable Energy Roadmap for Central Africa. Specifically, it will be for Ministers to:
- Examine and adopt the report of the expert meeting;
- Examine and adopt the Renewable Energy Roadmap for Central Africa;
- Examine and adopt the draft project sheets for the implementation of the Roadmap;
- Examine and adopt the baseline and needs assessment and project document of the CEREEAC;
- Agree on the selection process and criteria of the host country of the CEREEAC;
The meeting will be held in 2 segments:
a. Expert Segment: Two days (26-27 April 2021)
- To finalize the review of the Roadmap, formulation recommendations to the Ministers for the adoption of the Roadmap and finalize the project sheets
- To validate the baseline and needs assessment, as well as the project document on the first operational phase of the CEREEAC
b. Ministerial Segment: One day (28 April 2021)
- To consider the Roadmap and the project documents for adoption
- To consider the establishment of CEREEAC and its project document on the 1st operational phase
- To inform the upcoming ECCAS Head of State meeting for the endorsement of the Roadmap and initiate the legalisation process of CEREEAC and the selection process of the host country
In addition to the Ministers in charge of Energy in the 11 ECCAS country, the different segments of the meeting will bring together about 50 people made up of the Representatives of the Ministries in charge of energy and environment, regional institutions as well as international development partners. The meeting will be held in English, French and Portuguese. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
You could find out more HERE