The SBC event is a combination of World GBC’s Europe Regional Network (ERN), a community of all European national Green Building Councils, 8 Regional Partners, and close to 5,000 members across Europe. Green Building Councils in the ERN are from both EU and non-EU countries.
The ERN meeting (17th and 18th of October) and the SBC Greece Annual Conference (19th of OCTOBER) will be combined, hosted and organized by SBC Greece. SBC Greece is a non-profit, independent organization, the Greek official branch of World GBC, the largest built environment sustainability organization in the world.
It is the first time all European Sustainability Leaders will meet in Greece, and the highest level of Board members from the World GBC are expected to be present and speak at the last day’s conference (see last years speakers here).
It is an excellent opportunity for the business community, especially for companies that have chosen to follow the promising course of sustainability, with energy transformation and reduction of the environmental footprint, to participate dynamically in this Event.
It is also a great opportunity for our government officials as well as key building industry players to actively take part in these events and networking sessions / dinners. SBC Greece receives significant support for all activities from current Annual Sponsors Daikin, Schneider Electric and Signify.
This major event is also supported by Energizing Greece, in the context of strategic cooperation, growth initiatives and actions.
- Christina Gamboa: CEO of the World Green Building Council (link)
- Audrey Nugent: Director of Global Advocacy, World Green Building Council (ERN)
- Stephen Richardson: Director of Europe Regional Network (ERN)
- Laura Pollares: Head of Projects, Europe Regional Network (ERN)
- Pat Barry: CEO of Irish GBC & Chair of Europe Regional Network (ERN)
- Richard Teichmann: Vice Chair of Europe Regional Network, Managing Partner – Teichmann et Compagnons Property Networks GmbH / Vienna
- Johannes Kreißig: Director and CEO of German Sustainable Building Coucil
- Rick Fedrizzi: Chairman & CEO of International WELL Building Institute
- Kay Kilmann: Head of Green Business Certification Institute Europe
- Ommid Saberi: Global Co-Lead of the EDGE Green Building Program at IFC
- Sandeep Singh: Global Business Development Lead EDGE Green Building Program at IFC